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Aug 9, 2009

Dota Skill Level Clanwars

If you play with a group and play against there other low level clans. You can play a decent DP/TC/Necro/Dirge you can win the game by yourself. Well Dirge as long as yourteammates can autoattack. If you're playing low skilled players, i'd say pick enchantress. they lack the skill to burst her down before she activates wisps. As a rule of thumb, if you have first pick, never ban NA, and if you have second pick, always ban NA

In general, the lower skilled the game, the less fluid and co-ordinated the teamplay. Pushing works well for sure, utilising heroes like rhasta, DP, warlock, undying, leshrac. The lower-skilled the teams, the harder they seem to find it to fully push through and end a game - giving you extra chance to farm a carry. You can pair a jugger up with rhasta/cm for nice lane control + carrying capacity, or whatever else floats your boat. Just be careful your opponents aren't clever enough to send a strong dual lane against your solo, or you have a plan for if they do

thx kanye west