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Jun 2, 2010

Garena Mega Exp Hack

Do you want garena mega exp hack ? With garena megaexp hack, will gives you 400 exp points if you are basic member and gives 800 exp if you gold member. It's great to increase the numbers of your levels. So, you can get level very fast. How to use garena mega exp hack :

1. download and extrack garena hack
2. go to the folder where you have extract the file, and open start garena with garenahack.exe
3. click start garena hack with mega exp free
4. after few seconds garena ad garenahack window will popup
5. just close garena window, and click start megaexp hacking
6. again a dialog window will popup, just type your username/password and UID and click start Exp hacking
7. two command prompt windoes will appear, just levase it for few time and then login your account, see your exp boost

download exp hack

thx dotautilities